Oyster Shell Grit

Oyster Shell Grit

Applying Science And Analytics To Life

Birds have behavioural and/or nutritional needs for ingestion of soluble grit. Specially ground for all cage and aviary birds, Our Oyster Shell's soluble grit is completely digestible and provides a natural source of calcium which is required by all caged birds year-round and is essential when breeding for stronger eggshell formation.

Birds with digestive problems may benefit from the addition of small amounts of soluble grit to their diet. If you suspect your bird has a digestive problem, consult your Avian vet regarding your bird's need for soluble grit.

Grit and oyster shell are not the same thing even though they are often bought mixed in the same bag. Your flock needs both but at different times in their life and while roosters need grit, they have no need of the extra calcium in shell or soluble grit.

Why to feed?

All chickens of all ages need insoluble grit. These small stones are an essential part of the digestive system of most seed eating and omnivorous birds, not just chickens.

Not all chickens need soluble grit or oyster shell, this is a requirement for laying hens only.

In addition, modern layers pellets provide a minimum level of nutrition required to cope with the egg production of even the best hybrid layers. Layers pellets have calcium added to the feed in powdered form to satisfy the needs of most hens.

As a point, cockerels and chickens not in lay and fed wholly on layers pellets may be getting an excess calcium intake which can cause damage to the kidneys over a long period of time. These birds definitely do not need the extra calcium from oyster shell grit but do still need stones or insoluble grit in the diet.

It should also be noted that the shell and stones are sources of minerals that are necessary for chickens to be healthy. Oyster shell is composed of proteins and minerals including calcium magnesium, sodium, copper iron, nickel, strontium and some micro elements. Chemical analysis showed that oyster-shells are predominantly composed of calcium carbonate with rare impurities and contains 50 to 55% calcium oxide.

Recommended for:

Chickens, ducks, turkeys and waterfowl

Feeding Instructions:

Offer free choice in a separate container to laying hens, ducks, and mixed flocks for superior eggshell quality and bone health. Begin feeding at about 20 weeks

Uses and Effectiveness:

  • Helps improve feed efficiency.
  • Provides some trace elements and minerals.
  • Can help prevent some crop and digestive problems.
  • Oyster shell can help with calcium in the diet.
  • Chickens instinctively swallow small stones and not having any may distress them.
  • The Gizzard is a muscular organ that works better with stone inside.